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Manage Your Panic Attacks With These Tips

Like so many other fellow sufferers, are you prone to panic attacks? If your answer is yes, you will find the following article to be useful. You can beat those troublesome attacks! Follow the tips given to you in this article to rid yourself of panic attacks, and begin leading a more fulfilling life today. A great way to keep panic attacks at bay is to exercise on a regular basis. This will help to keep your body healthy and your mind balanced. It will also burn off adrenaline which can cause an attack. Both cigarettes and alcohol can be triggers for panic attacks so it's best to avoid them if you're a frequent sufferer. Instead, drink warm tea to help relax your body and mind, especially a non-caffeinated herbal tea or green tea. Green tea is excellent for your health as well. Panic attacks and stress are like bread and butter - you tend not to have one without the other. Finding out about all the stress relieving techniques that are available and then testing them out for yourself is a great way to ensure you keep panic attacks on hold as long as possible. Using tactics to distract yourself during a panic attack can help you calm down faster. Try counting backwards from 100 as quickly as you can. Work on a complex math problem. Turn on the radio, and sing along to a song that you know. Concentrate on eating an apple. Do a crossword puzzle. Anything that requires focus and clear thinking is going to help you take your mind off of your anxiety and channel it into an activity that will help you relax. As you experience a panic attack, you should focus on your feelings and write them down in a journal. You must focus on your REAL feelings, not fears of what might happen to you down the road. Keep to what you feel right now, and how you think those feelings relate to your pre-attack state. Isolating yourself will only exacerbate the feelings that lead to panic attacks. When dealing with anxiety attacks, you need people around who can help you with these problems and issues. That's why you have friends to help you. When you have a panic attack, try to find something to do that you enjoy. For example, some have found it helpful to perform a cleaning task that is repetitive, like vacuuming. Both the sound and the motion might help to relax the body and the mind. It can also provide a feeling of accomplishment when you're done! Keep in mind as you have a panic attack that everyone has problems, and that everyone has an off day. Even the rich and famous have negative situations, and their's are plastered on the front of papers around the world! Nothing is so bad that it's worth letting yourself get worked up over it. Channel that energy into solving problems instead. Breathe properly when having a panic attack. Breathing in the correct way will help you to control a panic attack. First, inhale through your nose for about two seconds. Next, exhale through your mouth for approximately four seconds. Repeat these actions for at least one minute, all the time thinking positive and calming thoughts.
