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As the country's population moves from rural to Urban environments, children Are spending less time Outdoors than before. Not only does this lack of exposure to Nature lead to health problems, but it negatively affects children, teenagers, and young adults' mental health as well. Since their presence on school campuses is a common denominator for these groups, schools are an important possible avenue for connecting children with physical activity and with nature. Green and sustainable School designs prepare young people for the lifetime of living sustainably through teaching them achievable day to day Stainable practices and by establishing their sense of individual and Collective responsibility. This creates a future generation of adults with shared core commitments to take care of themselves, each other, and their local and global environment. schools also improve learning and academic achievement by strategically utilizing green spaces. Green spaces and physical activity improve students concentration, lower their stress level, and raised class motivation. The design of these spaces has to be strategic so that they are purposeful, physical, and educational so that they may be easily integrated into existing School practices. As the climate becomes more at risk, it is important for people to grow up with the mentality of being responsible for their health, communities, and their use of resources. Green Schools are possible Avenue for creating a new generation that close up with these values and is prepared to unselfishly make Lifestyle Changes to benefit the wellbeing of others and the planet.
