Laurie Guyon
Laurie Guyon is the Lead Coordinator for Instructional Technology Programs at WSWHE BOCES in Saratoga Springs, New York. She is the Capital Region Director and a trainer for The New York State Association for Computers and Technologies in Education (NYSCATE). Laurie is also an adjunct professor for SUNY Plattsburgh, where she teaches Digital Age Learning in the CAS SBL program. She is the author of SMILE Learning: Leveraging the Power of Educational Technology. Laurie was named the 2023 Leader in Digital Education Award by the School Administrators Association of New York State (SAANYS) and one of the 20 To Watch recipients with ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education). Laurie won the ‘Best Overall Implementation of Technology’ award from Tech and Learning in Boston, and the Global Impactor Award from the Digital Citizenship Institute in 2022. She is a chapter co-author of Professional Development is a Plan, Not a Fix in the book What teacher educators should have learned from 2020. Laurie was named CoSN’s NextGen: Emerging EdTech Leaders in 2020 and earned the Spotlight Award at her BOCES. Laurie was on the NYSED authoring committee for the Computer Science and Digital Fluency standards and is a member of the NYSED Content Advisory Panel. She hosts statewide workshops and created asynchronous courses to support the rollout of these standards. Laurie is a Digital Promise Coach Community Member and has served on their advisory panels for feedback loops, AI integration, and the Learner Variability Navigator Project. She is an ISTE Certified Educator and Trainer, Google Cloud Certified and Google Certified Trainer. Laurie is an ambassador with Common Sense, Novel Effect, Buncee, Imagi, iRobot, Seesaw, Book Creator, Genially, Wakelet, and Osmo. She is a Nearpod PioNear, Sphero Hero, Kami Hero, and Hapara Champion.@smilelearning has not made any collections public yet.