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Macon-Bibb Commission May 2, 2023

The Macon-Bibb County Commission proceeded with plans to fix potholes and make road repairs with a $2.7 million local maintenance and improvement grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation. The program to first tackle the county's worst roads was the costliest item on Tuesday night's agenda that also included up to $562,000 in SPLOST funds for renovations to the old transportation building, nicknamed the castle, which will be the new headquarters for the GBI's Anti-Gang Task Force. Some commissioners questioned the role of the new office and what the county will get in return for investment of more than a half-million dollars. Commissioners also approved American Rescue Plan Act funding of $450,000 for Phase II of the Macon-Bibb Fire Safety Training Academy, and $250,000 of ARPA funds to help build First Choice Primary Care's new facility and pharmacy on Houston Avenue. County Manager Keith Moffett reported the official closing of the Walker Road Landfill, which requires another quarter of a million dollars for required environmental and soil testing post-closure. Although Commissioners Virgil Watkins and Al Tillman questioned the mayor's procedure requiring at least 5 votes to add items to the agenda, the entire commission lauded Mayor Lester Miller's blight efforts that resulted in this week's demolition of the 500th building since the effort began and presented him with a ceremonial brick from the last house demolished. Mayor Pro Tem Seth Clark noted that the homes are adjacent to the Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park and the property is expected to be deeded over to the park in the quest to establish Georgia's first National Park. Here are highlights from Tuesday's agenda captured in tweets sent during the meetings.
