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COVID-19's Silver Lining

In the time of stay-at-home orders and social distancing, people are combating the loneliness of isolation by welcoming new four-legged family members. This unexpected side effect of the terrible global pandemic we are in the midst of is one small silver lining in an otherwise bleak time. This sudden wave of pet adoptions is not limited to the US; Australia and the UK are also experiencing the same situation. Our need for companionship has become paramount with the new way of life we are living today. Not only will this new trend relieve stress and boost the moods of the pet owners, but in the long run, it could help their overall health. While the crisis has been an unfortunate catalyst, the thousands of people who will benefit from having these animals that under normal circumstances they would not have adopted, are a reminder that even in dark times, always try to look for the silver lining.
