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"Internet has Short Memory" at #SMCamp Victoria, Canada 2016

I made a return visit to Social Media Camp in Victoria, BC, Canada in May 2016. SMC is one of my fave events - devoid of pretension, excessive hypesters, and (mostly) free of snake oil peddling hustlers.  I gave the closing keynote in 2010 and this time talked about how the internet has a short memory, ergo: the importance of archiving, media research, and documenting and publishing artifacts with an eye towards forever.  Along the way dropped anecdotes about Radiouserland, Samuel Peyps, Clayoquot blockades, how Yahoo destroys companies, TCP/IP vs cave painting, Trumpet Winsock, fanzines, ditto machines, CB radios, and exploration of other forms of what we now call "social media". Took along an old-timey suitcase to bundle up some visual aids.  One day i hope video/audio show up - the spiel *was* filmed but indeed, the internet has a short memory and (despite my urgings) still is elsewhere, likely on a forgotten harddrive.  The "paper point slides" and other artifacts from the talk are shared elsewhere (i think).
