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Theme: Isolation/Destination/Imagination!

des·ti·na·tion /ˌdestəˈnāSH(ə)n/ Learn to pronounce noun the place to which someone or something is going or being sent. "your dream destination" adjective being a place that people will make a special trip to visit. a goal: either mentally or physically or spiritually you would like to be one day... In times of isolation our imaginations can still wander to fascinating destinations! We are on a painting adventure! Imagine if you were able to go to see any fantastic piece of Outdoor sculpture in the world which one would you go see? Which part of the world would you love to explore? In your mind where would you like to be with your well being? Creating art can have good healing qualities. And can create space and freedom where there may feel like there is very little...We will take the medium of paint and visually explore these external and internal concepts, get inspired...ready set create!
