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Understanding Dyslexia

Studies on dyslexia have been going on for many years, but it is still unclear what, why and how dyslexia affects so many people and to what extent it affects them.  Dyslexia can affect people in many different ways, with the most noticeable impacting reading, writing, listening and speaking. Fortunately, I was diagnosed with Dyslexia at a very early age but with all the extra tuition and reading groups to try and improve my reading and writing skills, I personally feel I haven't improved a tremendous amount compared to the amount of help I received.  This is where people who are dyslexic and the people around them need to understand more about dyslexia and what they can do, to not just improve their reading and writing, but to strengthen their stronger abilities.   This wake is aimed at offering a fuller understanding of the condition, what people with dyslexia have achieved and what you can do to develop in a very competitive world.
