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Inclusive Eats & Activities at Tech Conferences

Many people are vegetarian or vegan. Some people have medically serious food allergies. Some people don't drink. Some people are in recovery. Some people behave inappropriately when drinking. Meals and socializing are issues of accessibility and inclusion. A conference isn't truly accessible when not everyone has equal access to foods and beverages they can safely fuel up on. Nor when some people feel less safe because of what others are consuming. Rejiggering menus & social time can make a event far more inclusive, memorable, & engaging. What meals and activities would inspire people to feel pride in belonging to this technical niche's unique community? What meals and activities would enrich attendees' appreciation of local community? Here are some examples to inspire your own creativity. (NOTE: Many of those have accessibility issues themselves. This resource is a brainstorming resource, not a checklist)
