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Connecting Your Event, Venue and Brand to Wellness

Wellness is a $.4.2 trillion industry permeating all areas of life including homes and workplaces, and thus, events are no exception! The Global Wellness Summit identifies the top trends each year. In 2019, they are: 1. Well Fashion – Way Beyond Athleisure 2. Wellness Takes on Over-tourism 3. Meditation Goes Plural 4. Prescribing Nature 5. MediScent: Fragrance Gets a Wellness Makeover 6. China – Uncovering the Wealth in Wellness 7. Nutrition Gets Very Personalized 8. Dying Well* *Source: “2019 Wellness Trends, from the Global Wellness Summit.” So how can trade show organizers and meeting planners ensure people following the biggest wellness trends don’t have to give up their wellness routines while at their events this year?
