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EFA Con 2019: Selling It: Marketing Strategies and Tips for Freelancers

Moderated by Molly McCowan with panelists Naomi Kim Eagleson, Jake "Dr. Freelance" Poinier, and Ruth E. “I can write about anything!”® Thaler-Carter. Marketing funnel. Lead nurturing. Return on investment. Unique value proposition. Conversion rate. Do freelancers really need to know all this stuff to build their business? What does it even mean to market yourself as a freelancer, anyway—especially for those who don't have a brand name or who have multiple offerings and skills? In this panel, freelancers who are marketing pros will walk you through the process of taking your marketing to the next level—without all the jargon—so you can start to think of yourself as the CEO of your own company and attract the best clients, create a fulfilling project lineup, and earn what you're worth.
