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Digital Book Bentos are an interactive experience! All you have to do is to grab your favorite book, brainstorm how you will visually share your book, gather some items (magazine clippings, photos, objects, etc.), arrange them with graphic design in mind, and photograph your creation.  If you don't have access to the actual book or related objects, you can create a book bento by arranging images in a program such as Canva, Google Slides, or Microsoft Word.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy!   Then....create the magic!  Use a digital tool to digitize your book bento and bring it to life!  Experiment appsmashing with Thinglink, Buncee, Flipgrid, Kapwing, Cospaces, Doink, QR Codes, Genially....anything!  Then curate all of those awesome digital book bentos in a Wakelet like this one.   The example above was created with Thinglink. I uploaded my photo and then made interactive clickable tags. When you click a tag it brings you to a Youtube video or a map or an explanation of that item or symbol. It's a wonderful way for students to learn about marketing books and creating book talks that are dynamic. Share the awesomeness with us at #digibookbento. Book reports will never be the same again!
