Strengthening Line Ministries' Budget Preparation 2016
CEF Blended Learning Initiative - #lmbp2016 #budgetpreparation #lineministries, #sectors, #blendedlearning
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Get an impression about what this learning journey will be about
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E-Learning Phase
May 18 - Kick-Off Webinar: Starting the learning journey together with Professor Mojmir Mrak
- Kick-Off Webinar - CEF Team
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May 24 - Webinar on E-Learning Unit 1: Wrapping up our discussions on PFM Innovations in South East Europe with Duncan Last (IMF)
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- Unit 1 webinar 240516
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May 31 - Webinar on E-Learning Unit 2: Successful conclusions of our discussions on Budget Preparation Processes in South East Europe with Lena de Stigter (GIZ)
- Webinar 2 - LenaDeStiger_GIZ
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June 7 - Webinar on E-Learning Unit 3: Successful conclusions of our discussions on Fiscal Coordination and the Role of Public Officials at Line Ministries with Dirk-Jan Kraan
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June 13-15 - Workshop in Ljubljana
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Photos from the Workshop...
Day 1 - Fiscal Implications of Structural Reforms and Sectoral Policy Making
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Day 2 - Improving the quality of planning and budget cycles
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'Social Reporters' from MoF Macedonia and Montenegro share their impressions of Day 1:
"The ERP is done by the macro department of our ministry; we are usually less involved. Day 1 was great to learn more about it. I will use the knowledge shared for my work, e.g. when dealing with structural reforms."
"What we learned was very useful for our work. The sessions of Day 1 provided lots of new knowledge. I liked the group work a lot."
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Day 3 - Conclusion of the Learning Journey
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