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Cysylltu addysg, diwylliant a’r diwydiannau creadigol yng Nghymru | Connecting education, culture and the creative industries in Wales
Digwyddiad a’i ganolbwynt ar y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru, yn dwyn i mewn artistiaid, creadigolion a chyrff diwylliannol o ranbarth Canol De Cymru. Trefnir gan Gonsortiwm Addysg Canol y De, ArtWorks Cymru, A2:Clymu a Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru a Chynyrchiadau Theatr Omidaze. || An event focused around the new curriculum for Wales, involving artists, creatives and cultural organisations from Central South region of Wales. Organised by Central South Education Consortium, ArtWorks Cymru, A2:Connect and Arts Council Wales and Omidaze Theatre Productions.