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Intrapsychic domain of personality

Personality can be understood from psychoanalytic perspectives which is originally propagated by Sigmund Freud. Freud's psychoanalytic theory is still being used to understand personality until now even though the emphasis is not so much about unconscious conflicts over id urges but rather on interpersonal patterns of behavior, emotions and motives that accompany it. Instruction: 1) Refer to the class note (either PDF or Prezi live) before you start with the activity (asynchronous discussion in Padlet) 2) Go to Padlet (Week 6 - Intrapsychic domain) and answer the given questions. You may look at others answer before giving your own answer and may state your opinion about their answers. This will indirectly create asynchronous discussion. 3) Take the quizzes to assess your understanding of the concepts and theories that you have learned in this topic (Genially) and previous topics (Quizziz). 4) Read a journal article to know more about Sigmund Freud propositions.
