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What Are Your Trade Show Resolutions?

Tis’ the season for making lists: lists of what we want to give or receive, followed by lists of what we want to accomplish in the New Year. Since we’re turning the page not only on a new year but also a new decade, we’re dedicating the first #Expochat of 2020 to focus on our trade show wish lists and ideas on how we can improve our events going forward. Join us on Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 1 p.m. ET, when Exhibit Marketing Consultant and Author Marlys Arnold will lead a discussion and brainstorming on this timely topic. Questions:​​​ - What do you plan to do this year to create more engagement before/during/after your events? - How will you drive growth at your events? - What can you change to make your exhibits and events more sustainable? - What wellness elements can you include for your attendees? - What can you do to give back to the communities that host your events this year? - What technology could help you do your job better? - What will you do to enhance your personal growth in 2020?
