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Wonders of the World - Interactive Images for the Classroom

I'm sharing one of my favorite collections of interactive images for the classroom today. I have them available to my students as materials they can explore when they finish an assignment early. I also ask my students to make interactive images later in the year when presenting projects. We use these as models! I've divided this post into 3 sections: 1. Official World Wonders 2. Places/Buildings On Some World Wonders Lists 3. Other Class-friendly Interactive Images As a reminder, you can share this collection with your students or get an editable copy of any of these geniallys. To get a copy sent to you, make sure you've signed up for a free Genially account. Then click on the white button that reads "reuse this genially" that appears on the bar below each of these creations. This will send an editable copy to your Genially account!
