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Isolation creations: The Pobble 365 challenge!

One of the lovely things for the Pobble team is having such a large community of children, parents and families keeping in touch with us through social media. It's really made us smile seeing so many of you using your time in isolation creatively. We've love to see how people adapt Pobble lessons and images both in the classroom and now during home learning. We love teaching writing, it's what we do and why we created But we are also BIG fans of anything else that gets the creative juices going. We were thrilled this week to receive an awesome tweet from Ernehale Infant School in Nottingham, UK. Joseph, one of their pupils had recreated a Pobble 365 image in his garden using interesting things he found at home! (You can see the tweet and Joseph's creation below). We enjoyed it so much, we wanted to set you all a challenge... Can you re-create a Pobble 365 picture too? Here's what to do: 1) Head to and choose one of the wonderful or wacky images. 2) See if you can create a copy of the image somehow, what will you use? 3) Take a photo of your creation 4) Ask a grown up to share your photo with us on social media. You can find us: 👉🏽 On Twitter @HeyPobble 👉🏽 On Facebook /PobbleEducation 👉🏽 On Instagram @TeamPobble We'll share your work below and with our global community. We can't wait to see what you come up with! 😍
