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Methyl 1 Test Cycle | 1-test/4ad+methyl 1-test cycle - AnabolicMindscom

Methyl 1 test cycle Ok I ran a two week cycle of m1t that ended on thursday..I took 10 mg the first three days and 20mg the remainder of the cycle..before this I had run one ph cycle of lmr primotest and nandrotest..when I started I weighed around 180 with 11- 12 bf.also I am 5'9. along with the m1t I used milk thristle, potassium. Weeks 1-2 5mg methyl 1-test 6-7 squirts superone+ 2x per day Weeks 3-4 2 Squirts T1 Pro 2x per day Weeks 5-6 5 mg methyl 1-test 8 squirts superone+ 2x per day I've decided to start and finish the cycle with the methyl 1-test to finish up a bottle which I purchased awhile ago, while giving my body a two week rest from the methylated compound mid.
