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Laws in Ancient Near East

Ancient near east, one of the earliest and most splendid ancient civilization ever exist in human history, is a precious historical study asset for scholars. It refers to early civilizations in a region roughly corresponding to the modern Middle East. Hebrew Bible, Cyrus Cylinder, Cuneiform and many other important humanity monuments are inextricably linked to this land and civilization. When we study a culture, law codes and community rules would always be a very essential and important topic, especially for such an early civilization, whose law codes might have a significant influence to future generations. Luckily, although only few court case documents are preserved till today, we can still find many law code inscriptions and writings from various countries and people of the ancient Near East: Sumeria, Babylonia, Assyria, the land of the Hittites, Roman and Israel. These law codes provide us with a new perspective to reshape people's life in ancient near east.
