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Gender-based violence

Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence can have a huge impact on children and young people. It can affect their safety, health and wellbeing, family and peer relationships, and their ability to enjoy healthy, happy, respectful relationships and can impact on educational attainment. Gender inequality is a root cause of violence against women and girls; despite the many advances being made, there remains persistent inequalities between men and women which underpin the attitudes that support and condone such violence. Educational settings are environments where positive attitudes towards gender equality and healthy, respectful relationships can be fostered and developed through a rights based approach. It is the responsibility of all to ensure that children and young people are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible, and included. This collection of Wakelets has been designed to signpost education practitioners to a range of websites and resources to challenge gender based violence and stereotypes and promote gender equality. Please check which resources are available and suitable for use within your Local Authority; consider age and stage appropriateness as well as the requirements of children and young people with require additional support.
