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Igf 1 Lr3 Intestinal Growth | IGF-1 LR3 Beginners Guide

IGF-1 LR3 is one of the most popular peptides for stacking on significant amounts of muscle mass, and with good reason. Insulin is the most powerful growth hormone in the body, and professional bodybuilders use it to stack on serious gains in the offseason. However, IGF-1 LR3 gives you the same benefits of using insulin, with lower risk. IGF-1 LR3 is an insulin growth factor and it is a human recombinant. It is also a single and non-glycosylated polypeptide chain. All in all, it contains over 83 amino acids and it has a molecular mass of way over 9200 Daltons as well. It is also a mediator when it comes to growth hormones as well.
