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Macon-Bibb Commission 8/15/23

The Macon-Bibb County Commission voted unanimously to roll back the millage rate 7.178 points, which Mayor Lester Miller said was the largest rollback in the state that he was aware of. Commissioners also shifted $2.5 million in 2018 SPLOST revenue to fund improvements at the Bibb County Courthouse, and moved $300K from the general fund to put a new roof on City Hall. They approved installing solar panels at Memorial Gym and accepted grants to provide trauma training for the fire department and allowed the mayor to execute an agreement with United Way of Central Georgia to provide nearly $92K in a Coronavirus Emergency Solutions Grant for the Brookdale Resource Center. The Commission also voted to deny the alcohol license for M&M Grocery, which had been shut down after the owner failed to mitigate dangerous crime conditions, according to a county attorney. The legal team recommended denying the alcohol license for CRU Lounge on Riverside Drive since the property owner owes more than $2,300 in back taxes, but commissioners tabled the matter to allow the owner to pay up. Here are highlights from Tuesday's meetings captured in social media posts during the meetings.
