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Meet Author Keshia Barnett

Keshia is an author, speaker, and educator with over 25 years of experience as a teacher, school counselor, and building administrator. She has worked in rural, affluent, and urban schools. She received her Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education from Alabama A&M University. Her master’s degree in School Counseling and Educational Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership are from the University of South Alabama. Her passion is training other educators. She has presented numerous workshops over the past 15 years with a specialization in technology to create engaging lessons and help increase classroom management. She has authored Our Story How We Made It Through the Coronavirus, Discovering the Alphabet with Miss. K.M.B. and The Heart Remembers What the Brain Often Forgets. She created POWER Classroom Management to encourage and rejuvenate other educators. She is adept at creating systems for change and building relationships. She is the proud mother of one fabulous daughter.
