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Explore Feedback Grows Student Understanding (Approx. 1 hour)

Use this 5-Step Module to learn a three part strategy to: 1. ensure that student perspectives are seen and valued, 2. provide feedback supports student autonomy, and 3. push all students to recognize their own thinking that led to learning. Why? Feedback is one of the most powerful tools that teachers use to promote student learning. However, not all student receive high quality feedback that extends critical thinking skills and often in the rush to get to every student or finish on time, the perspective and strengths students bring to tasks are overlooked. Our feedback grows student understanding tree leverages the research of Perkins (2003) and Hattie & Timperly to provide teachers with a memorable practical approach to providing feedback that centers students and promotes learning. What's next? At the end of this module, you will be directed to our Adjust Feedback Grows Student Understanding module, where you will be able to practice this agile teaching practice in our virtual classroom. Questions? Reach out to
