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People with allergies can find it daunting to exercise outdoors. With all the sneezes and colds that come with the condition, you'd expect to be hesitant about doing even a quick exercise with allergies. Fortunately, there are ways to get some exercise outdoors, even if you have different types of allergies. This article will help you determine if it's safe to exercise with allergies and learn how to do so without triggering symptoms. Quick navigation [show] How do allergies start? Before you can overcome the challenges of exercising with allergies, you must first understand why those allergy symptoms arise in the first place. An allergy occurs when a person's immune system reacts to a foreign particle or substance that is otherwise harmless to other people. These include pollen, pet dander, insect bites, dust, mold, and other allergens. During an allergic reaction, the immune system produces antibodies that consider foreign particles that enter the body to be harmful even though they are not. When this happens, the antibody reaction causes inflammation in different parts of the body, including the sinuses, airways, skin, and even the digestive system. Is it possible to exercise with allergies? The short answer is yes." Experts say that as long as you feel up to the task, it's perfectly safe to exercise even with allergies. In fact, exercising is considered helpful for people with allergies. You see, being sedentary (or resting all the time) can be counterproductive as it can result in slow blood flow. But when you exercise, your heart starts pumping blood faster. When this happens, the allergens move through the bloodstream much faster, reducing irritation and inflammation. Just remember to avoid overexerting yourself, especially if you experience sinus pressure, a runny nose, or a sore throat. It also helps to follow your doctor's recommendations when engaging in any physical activity. This is essential if you experience allergy symptoms or drowsiness from taking antihistamine tablets to control them. 5 tips for exercising outdoors during allergy season Exercise outdoors during allergy season Before you head out for some dopamine-inducing workout in the park, consider these five tips to make your outdoor fitness routine as beneficial as possible: 1. Time well. You may need to avoid going out at specific times of the day, depending on what triggers your allergy. For example, if you are allergic to ragweed, you may want to schedule your jogs in the late afternoon or early evening. While grass pollen counts are much higher during that time of day, ragweed pollen counts, which are what trigger allergy symptoms, tend to peak early in the middle of the day. 2. Know your allergens. Different allergens are more prevalent during specific times of the day. But for your exercise schedule to be most effective, you need to learn as much as you can about your specific allergens. For pollen, you should research the numerical classification experts use to define the amount of pollen in the air in a day. This will vary for different types of pollens (as reflected in the first tip), so be sure to pay attention to detail. For example, a tree pollen level of 90 or higher is considered high, while one to 14 is considered low. You can check local websites that track pollen counts in your area for mold, weeds, grass, and trees. In case you need to go outside when the pollen count is at its peak, be sure to wear a mask. Once you get home, rinse your nose with a saline solution to remove any particles you've inhaled. You can also use nasal sprays for this purpose 3. Choose your exercise wisely. While exercise is generally fine for people with allergies, certain forms of exercise are better than others. For example, swimming is great for strengthening the lungs, but some people have a sensitivity to chlorine that can cause irritation and shortness of breath. Likewise, biking and running are great for getting fresh air and getting your heart rate up, but doing so in cold weather can lead to uncomfortable symptoms (not from allergies but from spasms in your airways). If you have been experiencing worse symptoms, you should consider switching to low-impact exercises like yoga. But if you can't stop running every day, throw your clothes directly into the washing machine and take a shower right away.
