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January 8th-12th, 2024~ 6th Grade Weekly Newsletter

Welcome back! We are getting back into our routines and are ready for a wonderful second 2nd semester. Notes: -Occasional study halls and tutoring will be available once again this semester. -Students are encouraged to write in their planners. -Keep washing hands and getting good sleep to keep healthy, please! -Be aware of inclement weather and support your student at home IF we need a virutal school day. (See slide below.) Please work on these "Essential 55 Rules" at school and at home in January: *If you win, do not brag; if you lose, do not show anger. *When grading other students' papers, we only give the correct grade. *Do not ask for a reward. *When a substitute teacher is present, all class rules still apply. *If someone bumps into you, say excuse me even if it wasn't your fault. *Never cut in line. *No matter the circumstances, always be honest.
