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Swiss Pharma Anavar 10 - La Pharma Anavar Reviews

Swiss. OxandroloneAnavar 100tab 10mg. Description. Anavar, also called oxandrolone, is an old brand from the US. Oxandrolone began to be produced in 1964 and its first producer was Searle. It is a very mild steroid to the extent that it can be given to children as a growth stimulant. It can be said that it is a cosmetic among steroids. Swiss. Oxandrolone/Anavar 100tab 10mg. Description. Anavar, also called oxandrolone, is an old brand from the US. Oxandrolone began to be produced in 1964 and its first producer was Searle. It is a very mild steroid to the extent that it can be given to children as a growth stimulant. It can be said that it is a cosmetic among steroids.
