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Holiday Hot-Spots 😎➡️ Crowd-sourced (training)

Welcome to a collaborative Wakelet where we will be building together (no account needed). You will be adding an item, or a collection to a collection. Although you can see everyone's work, only YOU (and the boss) can edit the items that you create. Where would you most like to holiday? 1️⃣ Click the green Edit button above the image. 2️⃣ Click a green ➕ to start. Add a TEXT feature with your name and destination. Click the "H1" formatting button to turn it into a heading. 3️⃣ Below your name, post a link to your favourite destination - a travel blog, a really good pic, etc. 4️⃣(Next step would be....) Below your link, click APPS then VIDEO to use the Flipgrid 🎦 in Wakelet to tell WHY you would like to go there. If you wish, you can upload image(s) as a STICKER to show on screen while you talk. NOTE ➡️ You can use any of these formats: links, notes, images, PDFs, YouTube videos, Tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram posts, links to Google or Dropbox Documents, Soundcloud tracks, Spotify playlists, Google Maps, Vimeo videos, Dailymotion videos, Slideshare slideshows, GIFs, Flipgrid responses, Screencastify recordings and more! Phew!
