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#ESNchat 2/14/2019: Making #ESN More Human

Q1. As #CMGR how can we make #ESNs more human? Why is it important or not? #ESNchat Q2. Why does making our #ESNs more human make them more approachable & valuable? #ESNchat Q3. How can we integrate emotions/sentiments into our #ESNs? Which ones do we want to promote within our #ESNs? #ESNchat Q4. Can the culture of an #ESN impact organizational productivity? How? #ESNchat Q5. Does the culture of our #ESNs reflect our efficacy as #CMGR? In what way? #ESNchat Q6. Does the culture of an #ESN influence an organization’s culture, or does a company’s culture influence its #ESN culture? How? #ESNchat
