This template can be used for any CPD day, event or conference. Enjoy! Chloë 🤓 ➡️ Some tips for running an event via Wakelet: - Once complete, send out a few days before your session so attendees can become comfortable with it. - Share it on screen at the beginning of your event as you go through the agenda for consistency. You could even make a screencast welcome video as a tour guide and welcome to the event and send out before hand with the Wakelet link. - It may help to compare the Wakelet to a programme / conference pack to visualise the purpose of a Wakelet. - You can edit the Wakelet at any point but before the event (after sending a link) but do not edit it on the day as people won't see your changes unless they click 'refresh'. - For those with struggling bandwidth, recommend people wait a few moments for the Wakelet to load before using and open the event links through the relevant app/client rather than browser. - If using multiple rooms, have one as a main room + virtual cafe that is open all day so that if folks get lost they can return there for help. - Help your attendees visualise the event in a way similar to face:face e.g. 'This is our main room where we come together as a whole group, congregate + network and have a working lunch if you like. Our workshops like in face to face events, will be in seperate rooms and you will find the room number (link) to those rooms on this agenda' - if you're using different Zoom links for your event, label these consistently and clearly (consider naming them with a noun e.g. flowers or famous characters rather than letters of the alphabet as B/C/D/E can sound very similar) - Use this space to explain the purpose of the Wakelet. Here's some sample text: Welcome to XXXX delivered by XXXX on behalf of XXXX. This Wakelet will form the landing page for the day, so please do bookmark it and keep referring back to it as you would a conference programme. Read on for: 1️⃣ Sign-in desk (inc. 'name badges' for the event + where to go for help!) 2️⃣ Exhibitions (inc. today's hashtag, Zoom orientations + resources) 3️⃣ Interactive agenda (inc further information about each session, trainers, activity resources + Zoom links)