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Documenting Learning in a Pandemic | Renton Prep 2020

This digital artifact contains collections of evidence in photos, videos and written documentation, including communication to school families that were made public for transparency and historic documentation. The messages span from March 29, 2020 - February 22, 2021. The beginning of this artifact includes a statement about our Continuous Improvement with Cognia, ISTE Standards for Education Leadership and the Reopening Plan Collection and a year in review from the time I first began planning for COVID-19. The cover photo was from a day before we shifted to fully remote learning as part of our original reopening plan to open a month early with better weather and shift to remote in November 2020 before Thanksgiving during the time epidemiologists predicted would see a wave of COVID-19 locally. Several students said they were taking photos so they would never forget their school. We resumed offering 5 full days per week of in-person learning January 11, 2021. We have had zero COVID-19 transmation with our countermeasures. There are collections of content embedded within this Wakelet. Click to see more.
