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Morphing into Virtual Reality

The only thing you can assume about life is it will change.  Or as Buckminster Fuller said, not too long ago,  "Change is the fundamental norm."    Few things seem constant.  If you have spent any time in a boat or on the water, you know that everything is in motion.  The fact that some things seem to be static is deceptive, even for a Luddite like myself, for actually even the land is moving all the time.  Someone said the Earth is revolving or moving at 26,000 miles per hour, but I can't feel it.      There is a further irony that may be somewhat reassuring: in all this moving and constant morphing which includes life, there also exists a dynamic equilibrium.   Thus the moon and the planets seem to hang suspended in space,by some other set of rules.  A scientist may call it homeostasis.   A person who believes in religion or God may call it the will of God.  That may be the same person thinking both of those things concurrently.       Some say whatever you put up in cyberspace is forever, but that remains to be seen.   What man thinks and does on this planet does not always stay where it is put.  Recently Google put a service called Google Plus up in cyberspace.  Now they recently announced that they will eliminate  that web space or service, and users are asked to save out whatever they want to keep.  But saving is a little sketchy.         Up steps Wakelet to provide a new type of web space or service to provide users a different kind of platform on which to create whatever we wish to create.  It remains to be seen how long this particular attempt to emulate God's timeless equilibrium will be viable.   barely ablemann  Feb 18, 2019
