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#AriesChat: Discussing the benefits of natural capital accounting for ecosystem services

The ARIES team, which is working hard with UNEP and UNSD to bring the first rapid natural capital accounting (NCA) technology to decision makers in 2020, organized its first Twitter chat on July 7, 2020 in order to discuss the role that NCA has for improving policy-making decisions. The one-hour online discussion had as subject experts: 1) Jane Carter Ingram, Senior Manager of Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EY. 2) François Soulard, Chief of the Research & Development section at Statistics Canada. 3) Alessandra Alfieri, Chief of the Environmental Economic Accounts section, Statistics Division, at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). 4) Kenneth Bagstad, Research Economist at the U.S. Geological Survey and part of the ARIES project. Besides the four panellists, there were other experts interacting and sharing their own views. Grasp more about natural capital accounting and don't miss the session's wrap-up below!
