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With all this violence going on in Chicago, it is very clear that tomorrow is not promised. So many people take life for granted and think that they have time but no not here not in Chicago. Here it doesn’t matter how old you are or how young you are. It doesn’t even matter how innocent you are, you can be gone within a blink of an eye. I really do believe that family is an important thing to have in this cruel world today. For example, I just have my one year old son and he is about the only family that I have because most of my family has been taken away from me by gun violence in Chicago. This is the perfect example of cherishing your loved ones while they are here because you never know when your last hello will be your last hello or your last goodbye will be your last goodbye. Growing up here has been one of the greatest challenges of my life because one being I didn’t have no choice or any say so on me growing up here. So, really the south side of Chicago is all I know right now. So many families try to leave from over here and make a better life for themselves but it just seems to never work like that. You can’t make it out without something tragic happening to you and your family its almost like a curse that’s holding on to this city. All of us pretty much has the same story here we all had pretty rough childhoods we all have either lost a parent or sibling to gun violence here and so on. We all can relate to one another that’s why a lot of us our like family. We want to see each other grow and be happy even if its not all of us at least one of us can make it out and make our city proud. I just so happened to be one of them I was able to move away and go to college and get my degree in broadcasting and journalism. As bad as I wanted to hold my self back because of fear and that hurt from losing my baby brother I didn’t. I kept pushing and moving forward because I wanted better for myself and my family. My brother and I was extremely close so when I was blessed with a beautiful baby boy I made sure that I didn’t raise him how we were raised I stopped at nothing to make it to where we are now. There has been so many families who children does not make it out or even get to see there second birthday and there are kids who don’t even get to grow up with a mother or father. I decided to not be another statistic and I decided to get up and show my son that the sky is the limit and where you are from and what you go through does not determine where you are going any who you will be.
