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Macon-Bibb Commission 9/20/22

An executive session during Committee of the Whole yielded Macon-Bibb County Mayor Lester Miller's plans to spend up to $14M to purchase over 21 acres on the old Bibb Mill site for a potential $350M private development. All but Commissioner Virgil Watkins approved shifting economic development and blight funds in the 2018 SPLOST timeline to 2022, and adding another $3.6M from the general fund to pay for the land near the Ocmulgee Mounds. Commissioners also held a public hearing on the proposal renaming a portion of Anthony Road for the late Ballard Hudson music teacher Robert Scott, added $123K for courtroom furnishings and streamlined streetlight applications, which was part of the consent agenda from last week's committee meeting. Here are highlights from the meetings, public hearing, proclamations and comments from the public through tweets summarizing the debate and actions taken.
