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#AusLibChat November 2022 - The First Steps – New Careers in Libraries

After navigating countless job applications and interviews, you finally get your foot in the door and begin your library career! But any new career can be a challenge – meeting with new colleagues, adjusting to new environments, and getting hands-on with your position… and now that you’ve begun a career, where do you go from here? This month’s AusLibChat focuses on the first steps into a Library career, the different ways your career can unfold for you, and what decisions others made to reach their career goals! 1 – What are you looking forward to most with your library career? 2 – What brought you to choose a career in libraries? Was it your first career choice? 3 – Which skills from your studies do you find yourself using the most? Were there any challenges you wish you had been better prepared for? 4 – What was the biggest challenge for this job? How have you adapted to this? Are you still overcoming this hurdle? 5 – Which transferable skills were you able to integrate into your position? Did working in another industry give you an advantage?
