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I am an Italian teacher living and working in Emilia Romagna , Italy. I consider myself a life-long learner and I love reading , learning and sharing ideas with other educators. I started learning online and developing my CPD as I had to come to terms with difficulties in my life as an educator. Working online with other teachers helped me rely on a network of goal-minded educators who have become friends. I love languages and ever since I was 13 years old I have been a " climber " of the unknown. If I could fly and go somewhere now I would choose to go back to London and discover the unknown landmarks of the city which I love and where I could improve my language skills. The city where I would like to spend my next years is Dublin. Both cities are part of my literature interests. Dorothy Richardson lived in London and I wrote my thesis about this innovative writer who first used the stream of consciousness technique while Joyce lived in Dublin, a city which I love and where I have spent some lovely summers.
