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Digital Makerspaces

Makerspaces are a current hot topic within the field of librarianship, both school and public. Librarians are creating safe spaces within their libraries for patrons to create and think critically. Within schools, makerspaces create safe spaces, inclusive of all students, to further engage in curriculum and pursue outside passions. Creating makerspaces within schools aligns with the AASL standards and fosters multiple of the Future Ready Librarians Framework strategies. My definition of makerspaces is: "A collective, collaborative space for all students to engage, learn, create, and share. In this space, students are free to expand on classroom curriculum, pursue their passions, conduct experiments, and/or create new things in a safe environment they have ownership of. It can be high tech, low tech, or a combination, depending on your student population and your budget." So, what is a "digital" makerspace. Pre-covid, digital makerspaces were makerspace activities that included technology, such as 3D printers, coding robots, etc. However, post-covid, some librarians are using the search term of "digital" makerspaces to include virtual makerspace ideas for distance learning. Whether you're searching for ways to incorporate technology into an on-site makerspace within your school, or you're searching for ways to incorporate makerspace activities into distance learning, this is the place for you. This curation platform offers different resources broken down by topics: websites, books, articles and blogs, podcasts, and examples. Whether you're just beginning to delve into makerspaces, or looking for new ideas to incorporate into your already existing makerspace, you will find multiple resources to help you on your journey.
