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Macon-Bibb Commission Jan. 10, 2023

The Macon-Bibb County Commission unanimously approved a new revolving loan program that will be seeded with up to $7.5 million from the American Rescue Plan Act funds. Mayor Lester Miller has assembled a committee to oversee the effort to provide more affordable housing particularly in depressed neighborhoods and where blight removal has left vacant lots in the land bank. Miller wants to leverage the federal funds and find matching grants to make the money go farther, he said. Commissioners also contracted with debris monitoring and removal companies that can help the county secure federal reimbursements for storm damage. They also renewed a lease on an airport hangar, accepted grant funds to be used in the district attorney's RISE program that targets at-risk youth, renewed an $875K radio communications three-year contract, made some appointments and discussed alcohol licensing requirements. All approved items come up for a final vote at the commission's regular evening meeting on Jan. 17. Here are the highlights captured in live tweets during the committee meeting.
