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Setting up online school using Google tools.

Transition to remote learning... Driven by a desire to keep learning going, and doing it right... Teachers know that relationships are super important to the learning process, and these must be maintained and built upon whilst schooling is online. Teachers know that promoting routinue is also important, schedules provide security through students knowing what is happening throughout the day. Issues: Homes are full of distractions, access to education for all, address equity and equality issues successfully. The getting going process appears relatively straight forward, but the devil is in the detail! So... 1) Set up school domain using method recommended by Google - really important - this integrates all the applications and activities in one school administered secure environment. See guidance below and then access support from someone who has already set up the system. 2)Train staff, students and parents - provide simple help sheets and provide access to technical support. Fortunately, the applications are relatively intuitive. 3) Communicate! Classdojo is fantastic for staff-parent communication - app based which means most people will be able to install it on their phones. 4) Get hold of, and loan out, chromebooks ideally (or machines that use the chrome browser) to students who otherwise would not be able to access online learning. 5) Structure your online school day - choose timings for lessons and interventions, plan activities and arrange system for checking online engagement. Click on the links below for detailed information.
