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GHSC-PSM: Meeting Routine Supply during COVID-19

In response to the impact of COVID-19 on procurement and supply mechanisms, GHSC-PSM is taking several actions to mitigate its impacts and support our in-country partners in continuing routine activities that ensure ongoing supply of health commodities. The project is working with USAID and global organizations to ensure the availability of crucial health products through regular coordination with suppliers and logistics contractors; modifying shipping methods (eg converting ocean to air and vice versa) to continue moving product and prevent stockouts; reviewing supply plans and inventory data to ensure the most urgent health commodity needs are met; pre-ordering and building stockpiles of key commodities; and pushing stock close to service delivery points to create space in central and regional level warehouses. This social media collection highlights some of the country-level and cross-cutting efforts the project is taking to continue programming in the context of COVID-19.
