Macon-Bibb Commission 9/3/24
The Macon-Bibb County Commission formally set this year's millage rate at 9.9 mills, although to offset the value of the tax digest would only require rolling back to 10.1 mills. Mayor Lester Miller said he was confident the $211.6 million budget will be adequately funded. Commissioners also agreed to begin improvements at Frank Johnson and Memorial recreation centers and Fillmore Thomas Park. The county also set aside $250K to match potential federal grant funds for improvements at Amerson River Park, renewed the landscape contract for Rose Hill Cemetery and approved agreements for traffic signal repairs when needed. Commissioners abandoned rights-of-way near Brookdale Resource Center and mid-city square in downtown. Macon-Bibb agreed to pay Middle Georgia Regional Commission $1.30 per resident for annual dues and authorized $49,500 for employee biometric health screenings. Here are highlights from the meeting sent in social media posts.