Join a collection!

Enter the unique code to contribute to this collection.

Frequently asked questions

You’ll need the collection owner to send you the code. If you’re the one sharing a collection, follow these steps: Go to your collection, Click the Share button, Make sure “Anyone with the link or code” is set to “Can add” and click the Join Code button to access and share the code.

Go to your collection and click the Share button. Make sure “Anyone with the link or code” is set to “Can add”. Click the Join Code button to generate the code and share the code with the people you want to invite.

If you’re not logged in: Go to the, click the “Enter Join Code” button, and enter the code you received to join the collection. If you’re logged in:
Click “Shared with me” on the left-hand panel, then click the “Join Collection” button, and enter the code to join. Alternatively, you can use an invite link sent to you, or the collection owner can add you by email.

No, you don’t need an account to join or collaborate on a collection. You can contribute just by using the join code or the invite link.

Yes, you can share a collection for view-only access. When generating the join code or share link, set the permissions to “Can view” instead of “Can add”. This way, people can see the content but won’t be able to edit or contribute.

Yes, you can manage who has access to your collection. Simply go to the collection, click on the Contributors section, and remove the person you want to take out.

Yes, you can set different permissions for signed-in and signed-out users: Signed-in users: You can give them extra permissions, such as “Can edit”, which allows them to edit their own content and other contributors’ content in the collection. Signed-out users: They’ll only have “Can add” permissions, meaning they can add their own content but won’t be able to edit anyone else’s.

No, you can only have one active join code per collection. You can share the same code with multiple people. If you need to, you can regenerate a new code, but the previous one will stop working.

Yes, you can view a list of contributors. Go to your collection and click the Contributors section to see who has joined or contributed.

Go to your collection, click the Share button, and then click the Join Code button again. This will create a new code and deactivate the old one.

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